Unity Drum

‘Your workshops were amazing and really captivated everyone – hope you will consider coming back next year’.

Helen Lawrenson, Centre Director, Falkland Centre for Stewardship Big Tent Festival


We all used to make music together!

For thousands of years this was how our cultures celebrated new life, marked the seasons and honoured our relationship with the earth and its creatures. Today, modern life can leave us feeling stressed and unfulfilled or socially isolated on a real person-to-person level. Many feel they’ve lost touch with that joyous feeling for rhythm we all once hadBut we haven’t lost it – it’s still rooted deep within us!

 The ‘drum circle’ – what’s it about?

This is an opportunity to invent your own beats – it’s not a drum tuition class! Everyone – whether experienced or not – are encouraged to share their own fun feelings for rhythm, rather than follow pre-arranged patterns that may be hard to grasp. There’s no pressure to ‘get it right’ or to perform – it all just happens naturally. Each person comes to recognise their ability and the enjoyment that comes from being creative with one another – active in the present moment. No two sessions are ever quite the same – they evolve – ebbing and flowing according to who’s present, how they interact and what instruments they choose to use. Sessions can be upbeat, active and lively, or more meditative in approach allowing the mind to settle within a peaceful space. If you’ve never given it a try, come along to a session and realise how much your body knows already! 

 What’s meant by ‘inclusive’?

Everyone’s welcome – experienced musician and newcomer alike. People of all ages and ability benefit from sessions specifically designed and paced to allow individual attention and encouragement within a group setting, and each contributes on an equal level. There’s room for everyone to shine!

 What instruments can I play?

Percussion3forweb DSCF3160nologwebUnity Music has a fantastic range to choose from – samba drums, djembes, congas, cabasas, maracas, tambourines… Although referred to as a drum circle, the instruments used within one can vary. Apart from drums played with hands or beaters, they may be comprised of small hand percussion (‘shakers’), tuned percussion to play melody – in fact, anything that can make a sound – even things made from unwanted junk! See Making Things to Play. Please get in touch to book a session or to find out more.